Hace 7 años | Por --75126-- a youtube.com
Publicado hace 7 años por --75126-- a youtube.com

(Link alternativo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3eg-zIKvcQ)

Letra de la canción:
I never knew what you thought was here
Get another fear to add to the list
I've been collecting little lies
Just to put on the special tape
I get them to play the day you die

I'll tell them you were always frightened
Just like anybody else
And you cried inside just like me
You seem to live with fingertips
Wrapped around your face
Does it keep the dark away?
Talk to me and tell me that all of them are wrong
And all my dreams will come in time

Trying, trying to understand it all
To understand it all just makes your head hurt
Trying, trying to understand it all
To understand it all just makes your head hurt

Yes you have all the pieces they said that you had to collect
But what did you expect that all to amount to?

Trying, trying to understand it all
To understand it all just makes your head hurt
Trying, trying to understand it all
To understand it all just makes your head hurt



#0 Hola, indico en la entradilla un enlace alternativo ya que el que enlazas pone que está bloqueado en mi país (España). No sé si lo envías desde fuera pero por si acaso lo indico así para que no haya problemas. Un saludo.